مناقشة الاحوال الجوية و التوقعات خلال النصف االاول من شهر كانون الأول لعام 2012 - منتديات ArabiaWeather.Com

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[ 12-05-2012 ]   رقم المشاركة 11



الصورة الرمزية SEHMUS ISTANBUL

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2012

رقم العضوية: 9428

المشاركات: 168

الدولة/المدينة: İstanbul

الارتفاع عن سطح البحر: m64

شكراً: 167
تم شكره 1,350 مرة في 152 مشاركة

افتراضي رد: مناقشة الاحوال الجوية و التوقعات خلال النصف االاول من شهر كانون الأول لعام 2012

Long time on a regular basis, my travels between you and could not attend due to.

Temperature 11 degrees
Humidity: 52%
The sky is clouded over.
In some regions of Turkey, the general information ....

General Status
Today (Wednesday 12/05/2012) In addition to rainfall in the eastern part of the country from the western regions of the evening is expected to be under the influence a new rainy weather.

This is a short-term thunderstorm in the evening and partly from the strong (40-60 km / h) as a blow west of Marmara and the Aegean coast along southern wind, rains begin, night hours, Marmara, Aegean and Western Mediterranean, Central Anatolia, western and is expected to be under the influence of the western Black Sea, west. Generally, and torrential rain, thunderstorms from place to place, the central Aegean, lakes region, western Anatolia and around Bolu be seen in the form of snow and sleet rain, especially at night, with a strong wind in the southern Aegean coast and the Dardanelles around Mugla effective (20-50 kg / square meter) is expected to be.

Tomorrow (Thursday 12/06/2012) throughout the country generally and torrential rain, sleet and snow in the form of the interior and eastern parts of precipitation landmarks, and places a strong storm in the short term (40-60 km / h) as a blow with southern wind Aydın the southern and eastern shores of Mugla, Antalya, Apple, Eyebrow, Phoenicia, Kumluca and eastern parts of the local districts, including Kemer strong (20-50 kg / square meter) is expected to be.

On Friday (07/12/2012) Thrace will continue across the country, and in particular to increase the impact of south-eastern areas of precipitation, 12.08.2012 Saturday, pulling the eastern regions of the inner and western places are expected to leave.

Air temperature tomorrow (Thursday 12/06/2012) No significant change. Friday 07/12/2012 northwestern areas, the northern end of the week, the Central and Eastern regions are expected to decrease from 3 to 6 degrees.

It and Muğla, Aegean coast at night, with a strong southern winds and the Dardanelles circles, tomorrow (Thursday 12/06/2012) Mugla Antalya coast and eastern parts of the strong (20-50 kg / square meter) against adverse conditions constitute rainfall is expected to be issued (local water flood , lightning, tornado formation of local, sea and land transportation disruptions, southwest wind from the stove and flue gas poisoning, etc.). need to be careful and cautious.

sehmus mehmetoglu
ıstanbul turkey
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