تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
رقم العضوية: 379
المشاركات: 1,936
الدولة/المدينة: Amman-Abdoun
الارتفاع عن سطح البحر: 918
Temperatures and weather conditions expected in general for the city of Amman Tuesday 2-Mar-10 High: 16 Low: 7 Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: WNW Light Wednesday 3-Mar-10 High: 15 Low: 9 Weather: Sunny with some scattered clouds Wind: W Windy Thursday 4-Mar-10 High: 15 Low: 8 Weather: Sunny with some scattered clouds Wind: WNW Moderate Friday 5-Mar-10 High: 23 Low: 9 Weather: Sunny with medium and high clouds Wind: SE Moderate Saturday 6-Mar-10 High: 19 Low: 10 Weather: Sunny with high clouds Wind: WNW Windy Sunday 7-Mar-10 High: 19 Low: 8 Weather: Sunny with high clouds Wind: WNW Moderate Monday 8-Mar-10 High: 27 Low: 12 Weather: Sunny with high clouds Wind: ESE Moderate يتم اعداد هذه النشرة بناءا على تحليل النموذج العددي البريطاني UKMO والله اعلم