من مقالة على موقع phys.org تناولت الفيضانات في كاليفورنيا واسبابها اقتبس المقطع التالي:
El Niٌo and La Niٌa—climate patterns in the Pacific Ocean—can influence where atmospheric rivers make landfall, and how frequently, said Lall.
He explained that atmospheric rivers are born in the warm waters of the tropical Pacific. During the La Niٌa phase, atmospheric rivers will typically be born in the western Pacific and make landfall on the northern part of the U.S. West Coast. Conversely, during an El Niٌo phase, atmospheric rivers are more likely to be born in the central or eastern Pacific, and make landfall in Southern and Central California.
"As the Pacific transitions from La Niٌa to El Niٌo, which may be happening now, the birth locations and the landfall locations can shift to intermediate locations and one typically gets this sequence of events that can cover different parts of California," said Lall. "The reason this is critical for flooding is that we get several such storms spaced a few days apart from similar birth locations."
حيث عزوا الامر لاختلاف أماكن تشكل (أنهار الغلاف الجوي) اتوقع يقصدون التيار النفاث باختلاف الطور (نينو أو لانينا) او طور انتقالي بينهما كما حدث
المصدر كامل