اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hakamshara
I keep reading "Para a7san min GFS" What? Are you kidding me? You must not understand how this storm works
This GFS update is the best by far regarding precipitation amounts WHEN IT MATTERS MOST
In my opinion, the precip tuesday night into wednesday morning is a waste because it doesnt penetrate the kingdom enough and does not inspire confidence in the low placement
This update delays the beginning of the snow to 3 pm Wednesday and EXTENDS it until noon thursday, and beyond.... this update promotes an independent cyclone low pressure system which will give us longer and heavier precipitation as opposed to the previous more attached... farther... less direct situation
Of course... there is a drawback to the current scenario... yes it will not be AS cold... 850 temps will stay around -3 instead of -5... but i would MUCH prefer -2 or -3 with heavy snow over -5 or -6 with light snow that doesnt do anything but throw a few flakes on and off with NO REAL ACCUMULATION
So yes, this is way better, and lets hope it stays that way... and i think it will, as the EU has been showing this situation for a few days now
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