اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة hebron
توقعات الأرصاد الصهيونية تجعلك تشعر بأننا في الشتاء !!!
اللهم اسقنا الغيث و لا تجعلنا من القانطين
Forecast for tonight and tomorrow
Tonight: partly cloudy-clear. Tomorrow: local light rain or drops over northern and central regions.Drop in temperatures.
Next few days forecast
Date Weather and temperature
22/10 Rain at times from northern regions to northern Negev.
23/10 Rain from time to time over northern and central parts of Israel. Isolated thunderstorms over northern regions. Light local rain in the Negev. drop in temperatures.
24/10 Local rain over northern region and along the coastal plain.
The forecast is updated twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. Last update on 20/10/2008 at 14:37. Additional updates will be published according to weather changes.>
مع اني مافهمت الاشوي
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