اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mutaz Al-Hanouty
التحيّـــة أخ kik
هـل لك تزويدنـــا بالمعادلات الإحصائيّــة والتي يتم من خلالهــا تصنيف المنــاطق منـاخيّاً
اهلا بك اخي، لقد اعتمدت على تصنيف كوپنkِppen وهو اكثر التصنيفات رواجا وقبولا
GROUP B: Dry (arid and semiarid) climates[edit]
These climates are characterized by actual precipitation less than a threshold value set equal to the potential evapotranspiration.[2]:212 the threshold value (in millimeters) is determined as:
Multiply the average annual temperature in °C by 20, then add (a) 280 if 70% or more of the total precipitation is in the high-sun half of the year (April through September in the Northern Hemisphere, or October through March in the Southern), or (b) 140 if 30%–70% of the total precipitation is received during the applicable period, or (c) 0 if less than 30% of the total precipitation is so received.
If the annual precipitation is less than 50% of this threshold, the classification is BW (desert climate); if it is in the range of 50%–100% of the threshold, the classification is BS (steppe climate).