Some of the moderators are breaking the rules more often than the members do
Some moderators keep deleting contributions with no valid reason
Some members seriously get on my nerves offering their own "detailed forecasts" that are most of the time stolen or built in light of the main forecast, and no one does ANYTHING about them
A- What I understand is that reporters are ordinary members with moderation powers
Not forecasters, not anything but members just like me and anyone else
If I'm not allowed to talk about snow at certain heights or whatever, then they should not be allowed to do so as well
B- Some members who talk arrogantly to others should be warned and punished in whatever way the administration finds proper
Most of us are here to learn. Discuss, and accept criticism and advise. But talking down to others is just impolite and unaccepted
C- PLEASE include a reason why you delete my post!!! Otherwise, i'm going to do it AGAIN
D- We need more contributions from officials (Shaker, Sawalha, Kamal, and Khleifat) to give us a clearer idea and to direct the discussion in the right way
E- Just because a reporter is online often, doesnt mean that they are qualified to be moderators
A moderator should have certain qualifications and tight rules to run by
Over all, this forum needs massive reconstruction