اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Mutaz Al-Hanouty
Many researches suggest that the effects of CR on cloud cover is negligible
A.D. ErlykinCorresponding , A.W. Wolfendale
Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham, UK
August 2011
A survey is made of the evidence for and against the hypothesis that cosmic rays influence cloud cover. The analysis is made principally for the troposphere.
It is concluded that for the troposphere there is only a very small overall value for the fraction of cloud attributable to cosmic rays (CR); if there is linearity between CR change and cloud change, the value is probably ∼1% for clouds below 6.5 KM , but less overall. The apparently higher value for low cloud is an artifact.
The contribution of CR to ‘climate change’ is quite negligible.
But others suggest the opposite
Israel Cosmic Ray & Space Weather Center and Emilio Segre’ Observatory, Tel Aviv University,
Technion and Israel Space Agency, Israel
Cosmic Ray Department of IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Published: 4 January 2012
Abstract. We consider possible effects of cosmic rays and
some other space factors on the Earth’s climate change. It
is well known that the system of internal and external factors formatting the climate is very unstable; decreasing planetary temperature leads to an increase of snow surface, and
decrease of the total solar energy input into the system decreases the planetary temperature even more, etc. From this
it follows that even energetically small factors may have a
big influence on climate change. In our opinion, the most
important of these factors are cosmic rays and cosmic dust
through their influence on clouds, and thus, on climate
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الموضـــوع لا يــزال قيـــد الدراســـة و الأبحـــاث ، والجـــزم بــأحد الرأييـــن دون الأخــر في هذه المرحلـــة غير صحيــح ، فلا يــوجد حتّى الآن أيّ دليــل قـاطع يثبت أحدى الفرضيّتين دون الأخرى
أتوقع ان ان علاقة الأشعة الكونية هي الأقرب للدقة حيث يتفق الطرفان على التأثير في بناء الغيوم لكن الفرق هل التأثير هو رئيسي في المناخ؟
الأخ سامر ذروة كتب بإسهاب في هذا الموضوع أضف عليها زيف نظرية الإنحباس الحراري والتي بالطبع لن تعترف بما هو ضد مبادئها