اقتباس: المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شعاع الشمس
أتمنى من الاخوة المهتمين بسرعة الضوء قراءة المقال المحدّث من الموسوعة الحرة ، خاصة الجزء المتعلّق بتوســع الكون وحركة المجرات بسرعات تتجاوز سرعة الضوء بتمعّن ...
Galaxies, like our own Milky Way are carried along by the expansion of the Universe, and will move apart from every other galaxy, unless they’re close enough to hold together with gravity.
As you look at galaxies further and further away, they appear to be moving faster and faster away from us. And it is possible that they could eventually appear to be moving away from us faster than light. At that point, light leaving the distant galaxy would never reach us.
When that happens, the distant galaxy would just fade away as the last of the photons reached Earth, and then we would never know it was ever there.
This sounds like it breaks Einstein’s theories, but it doesn’t. The galaxies themselves aren’t actually moving very quickly through space, it’s the space itself which is expanding away, and the galaxy is being carried along with it. As long as the galaxy doesn’t try to move quickly through space, no physical laws are broken.
الأجـواء اليوم كانت حارّة نسبيّاً في الرمثا واربــد
بالضبط ... لغاية الان لم تنكسر قوانين اينشتاين .... لانو تحتاج الى طاقة لا نهائية لجسم كتله تقريبا صفر ليتم "الاقتراب" من سرعة الضوء
فما بالك بمجرات عظيمه .... كمان في اشي .... سرعة الضوء "في الفراغ" و حسب النظرية العامة و ليست الخاصة .... تتاثر بشكل مباشر بمقدار توسع الكون