PART I of 3
PART 1 of 3
Dear Arabia Weather Management
Thank you for the tremendous effort not only for the "Huda" coverage but also for the very insightful weather information throughout the years
I almost never post anything here but, in light of the recent attacks from some media outlets and government agencies, I feel obliged to do so at this time in an effort to defend this institute that I dearly admire
Having worked in the media relations field for years, I would like share with you some thoughts on handling these attacks and criticism. Not that you may need it (as you guys are doing great) but, just in case
First, and most importantly, it is absolutely a blessing that Arabia Weather is being attacked and I will later explain why. Arabia Weather should embrace the publicity generated by these attacks. Yes, embrace it. It is actually a very good thing to happen for such a young and upcoming Arabia Weather
Attacks have a number of benefits. It starts with free press. When the attackers take to the media to vent their frustrations, those who may not be familiar with Arabia Weather will now be intrigued to find out more about you. That’s when you start to win over new hearts and minds. At Arabia Weather, the levels of professionalism, available in-depth data analysis, tools, on-line experts, etc are un-matched in the country (if not the region). Your website look and feel is simply awesome. Any neutral visitor can immediately see the difference and will mostly come likely out with a positive first impression. Positive first impressions are always good and, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression